Our company is an enterprise registered in the territory of the Republic of Hungary. Our activity coordinated with our strategy is a voluntary commitment through our business practice.

We comply with our legal and regulatory obligations, and our operational processes are regulated.

Our commitment to quality is maximum. We maintain a fair business relationship with our partners, and our organization is transparent.
Within the framework of strategic cooperation with several upper and secondary education institutions, we participate in dual and practical training.
We also provide the public with a website, other communication channels, press contact and public factory presentations and information.
Our Code of Ethics contains principles designed to ensure that legal representatives, employees and third parties act in accordance with the rules.

It is characteristic of our organizational culture that we have various decision-making, opinion-giving and consensus-building bodies.
We also support individual and collective initiatives (Idea Box). We greatly support the training, further training and career plans of our employees. We plan and measure resource usage for both external and internal training.
Our internal evaluation-incentive system is in line with the company's economic performance. 

The operation of our quality management system (ISO 9001: 2015) is ensured through the mapping, analysis and proactive management of external and internal risk factors.

Within the framework of our responsibility for human resources, we continuously train and retrain both our physical and non-physical employees.

We support their access to work and their mobility.

The health service is provided to them by an occupational health specialist.

In addition, they also receive a very serious cafeteria allowance.

Employee satisfaction measurement and evaluation is regular.

We also support our interns - counseling, mentoring, training, education, career planning.

We provide free rooms for sports and fishing events, we sponsor and participate in football cups, we contribute to swimming pool services.

Every year we organize corporate “ASG days” with music, entertainment programs, sports competitions, providing discounted buffet tickets.  

Our ISO 45001/2018 MEBIR system greatly contributes to increasing the number of healthy life years of our employees.

Our Equal Opportunities Officer supervises and evaluates the process, prepares an annual report (Equal Opportunities Report) on his activities and the events that occur.

Among our employees, we consider women, workers over the age of 45, including pensioners, Roma,  and people with disabilities, and career starters to be disadvantaged.

In order to ensure equal opportunities, we pay special attention to the recruitment of employees in the field of salaries and benefits in professional development, in the event of possible dismissal, in the areas of access to education and training programs.

We agree with all 30 articles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Other CSR (Corporate Social Responsability) activities, not exhaustive:

  • Advent window opener support from the beginning, participation in the program.
  • regular support for foundations
  • organizing blood donations, providing a venue
  • participation in charity football cups
  • hospital support in instrument procurement
  • support for the preservation of mining traditions (publications, events)
  • active participation in the work of the STÚDIUM Public Foundation
  • offering of rooms for different purposes (election, association meetings)
  • cooperation with the GFSZ in the Tatabánya Employment Pact (in order to return those excluded from the labor market to work)
  • Archival disposal - paper collection for kindergartens and schools

Tatabánya, 31 January 2019

On behalf of the Management of ASG LTD: György Biró (Integrated Management Director)

  • 2800 Tatabánya, Mészáros u. 4.
  • +36 (34) 515-900
  • info@asg.hu

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